How to Enable Or Disable Flick Panning in Pohotoshop?


Every Photoshop user needs to learn the basic ways to scroll an image properly so that they can determine which part of the image is visible inside the canvas.

Many Options are available to scroll an image, like using the hand tool or the mouse wheel.

You can access the hand tool by clicking on the hand icon at the bottom of the toolbox or by pressing the H key. And because you will use this tool regularly, it’s preferable to press and hold the spacebar to temporarily switch to the Hand tool, and that will prevent you from going back and forth between the hand tool and the other tools.

hand tool

After you get the hand cursor on screen, hold down the mouse button and start grabbing your image.

What is Flick Panning in Photoshop?

Flick panning means tossing an image instead of just dragging it. To do so, you have to release the mouse button while still moving the mouse. Keep in mind that the faster you move the mouse, the harder you throw the image. To stop the flick panning, just click the mouse button.

How to Disable/Enable Flick Panning?

Many users want to get rid of the flick panning feature because they don’t like it, and others find it useful but don’t know how to turn it on.

In order to enable or disable the flick panning, you have to check your preferences settings.

All you need to do is go to the edit menu (win) / Photoshop Menu (mac), choose Preferences, and then click on tools. Or you can use the shortcut Ctrl + K (win) / Cmd + K (mac), then click on tools.

preferences tool

After you open the preferences dialog box, turn on the checkbox next to “enable flick panning” to enable the flick panning, or turn off the checkbox to disable the feature, and hit OK.

turn off or on flick panning

Thank you for reading, I hope this tutorial will help you.