How to Convert lrtemplate to XMP? (2 Methods)

how to convert lrtemplate to XMP

As a photo editor, you might have come across the .lrtemplate file format for presets in Adobe Lightroom. But with the latest versions of Lightroom, Adobe has moved to a new file format called XMP, which is more compatible and easy to use. If you have presets in the Lrtemplate format, this article will help you convert them to XMP files. We’ll also explore the differences between these file formats and discuss various methods to convert Lrtemplate to XMP.

Table of Contents

What is the difference between XMP and Lrtemplate?

Before we dive into the conversion process, let’s first understand the differences between XMP and Lrtemplate. Lrtemplate is an older file format used for many years by Adobe in the previous versions of Lightroom to store presets. It was a proprietary format, meaning that it could only be used in Lightroom.

XMP, on the other hand, is an open file format that was developed by Adobe to store metadata information and can be used in various applications. Also, XMP files are easier to convert to DNG files and share between different devices.

Keep in mind that you can still use lrtemplate in the newer versions of Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC, but they will be converted automatically to XMP.

Convert lrtemplate to XMP in Lightroom

As we just mentioned, Lightroom will convert LRT to XMP files once you imported them into Lightroom. So all you need to know is how to properly install LTR presets in Lightroom and how to export them after they have been converted. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Import Lrtemplate Presets to Lightroom

1. Launch Adobe Lightroom Classic, then go to Edit Menu > Preferences…, or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + , (windows) / CMD + , (macOS).


2. After the preferences dialog box shows up, go to presets option, and click on the “Show All Other Lightroom Presets” button.

Show All Other Lightroom Presets

3. Next, go to the Lightroom folder.

lightroom folder

4. click on the Develop presets folder.

develop presets folder

5. Then click on user presets and paste your lrtemplate presets into your user presets folder.

lightroom presets folder
paste the lrtemplate preset

6. Now, go back to Lightroom and hit Restart Lightroom Classic.

restart lightroom classic

7. Lightroom will close itself and restart. After restarting, the app will inform you that All custom develop presets were successfully converted to XMP. Now hit Ok.

All custom develop presets were successfully converted to XMP

Step 2: Export the XMP File

Now that the lrtemplate files have been converted automatically to XMP, you need to export them, Here’s how:

1. Find the preset in the presets tab on the left panel  

2. Right-click on it and choose export… 

export preset

3. Choose where you want to store your XMP preset and hit Save. And that’s it!

Convert Lrtemplate to XMP using Conv Free App

If you don’t want to use Lightroom to convert, don’t worry, there are other ways to change your Lrtemplate presets to XMP. One way is to use the Conv Free App. Conv Free is a plugin available in the creative cloud library for free, and it’s compatible with macOS and Windows. One of the benefits of using this converter app is its ability to batch convert lrtemplate to XMP files.

The Pro version of the app can also convert XMP to LRTemplate and DNG to XMP.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Install the plugin from the creative cloud library.
  2. After you finish the installation, open the App.
  3. Drop your lrtemplate files into the drop area, then select the destination folder and hit Start.
conv free app tutorial


Converting Lrtemplate to XMP files is a simple process that can help you use your favorite presets in the latest version of Lightroom. Whether you have access to Lightroom or not, you can convert your lrtemplate files with ease.

With the help of this article, you can now update your Lrtemplate presets to XMP using Lightroom, or by using other apps like Con Free to do the job.